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"What a wildly wonderful world!", 3 x 2 m commission

The first half of this year has flown by with group exhibitions, an extra-large 3 x 2 m commission and 2 painted wine barrels for the Somerset West Art and Wine Auction raising funds for the Nighshelter, not to mention my focus on teaching and mentoring. The artwork deadlines came at the end of May with the commission and barrels being packaged and sent off within a day of each other. I am thrilled to say that my clients loved their painting and the barrels brought in healthy funds that will be used to provide for the homeless in Somerset West. I love that I can do what I do and make a difference in our communities where there is so much need!

Brushes down and back in my studio, I feel the physical gap of the very large canvas and the 2 wine barrels and of course there is a part of me that feels slightly "at sea" with no immediate deadlines to meet or work to be done. I tend to immediately start feeling that I need to be doing something and working towards the next thing.

I have to remind myself to stop a moment, to take stock and to reflect on where I am, what has been and what I would still like to come. For me this is a process of writing, praying and making visual notes, it is also about appreciating where I am at, the journey I have been on and the amazing people and opportunities that have come my way and become part of my journey. As the momentum of activity slows there is more time and space for my own self doubts and insecurities to kick in making it even harder to start painting again. I have to remind myself to take it one step at a time and not to get overwhelmed by all that I feel needs to be done. The words by Joseph Chilten Pearce are a great reminder to me: "To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong." I remind myself that it is not about being perfect, but about having integrity, being real, honest and authentic. I think the life of a creative is always peppered with musings and wonderings, ultimately it is about remembering that the things that excite us are not random, they are connected to our purpose, as some wise person said. I am grateful for the gift of creativity and that I get to share it with others in so many different ways. It very often requires bravery and boldness and it is not always comfortable, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

As I go through this time, I am beginning to find inspiration in unexpected places and I have my sketchbooks out to explore a few ideas. All these steps of living, being, seeing, connecting and feeling, will contribute to what comes next, it is a process that cannot be forced with any sustainable success. The impulse to create, which will give direction, must come from deep within, shaped by life our experiences and all that surrounds us. Art and life are journeys of exploration, discovery and wonder and sometimes in the in between times, we need to remember to smell the roses!

Soft light and gentle breeze, ocean view at the Strand.
Artistic Regards,
Jane Barnes
Contemporary Artist & Educator