List of recent exhibitions & galleries my artwork featured in:
Western Cape, South Africa
Vision 24 Art Fair
Western Cape, South Africa
Asara Wine Farm
Western Cape, South Africa
Art.b Gallery, group exhibition
Western Cape, South Africa
Imibala exhibition
Western Cape, South Africa
October Open Studio and Gallery event, Art by Jane Barnes
Western Cape, South Africa
Somerset West Night Shelter Art and Wine Auction
Western Cape, South Africa
SouthHill Gallery group exhibition
Western Cape, South Africa
Art.b Gallery, group exhibition
Western Cape, South Africa
Bright Street Gallery, group exhibitions
Western Cape, South Africa
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions
Western Cape, South Africa
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Bright Street Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Art.b Gallery, group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
Day2Day Gallery, group exhibition, Collioure, France
Art Nou Millenni Gallery, group exhibition, Barcelona, Spain
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Bright Street Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Day2Day Gallery, group exhibition, Collioure, France
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Somerset West Nightshelter Art and Wine Auction fundraising event and group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Somerset West Nightshelter Art and Wine Auction fundraising event and group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
SouthHill Gallery, group exhibitions, Western Cape, South Africa
Somerset West Nightshelter Art and Wine Auction fundraising event and group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
RMB Exposition, selected to be one of 10 artists from Cape Town to create and exhibit a painted wine barrel, Johannesburg, South Africa
Somerset West Nightshelter Art and Wine Auction fundraising event and group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
Soul Circle fundraising event for the Thembalitsha Foundation, showcase and exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
De Velde Life Style Centre, showcase and exhibition of work, Western Cape, South Africa
Somerset West Nightshelter Art and Wine Auction fundraising event and group exhibition, Western Cape, South Africa
De Velde Life Style Centre, showcase and exhibition of work, Western Cape, South Africa
Artwork displayed in the staging of luxury properties by Liza Wolfaardt, Western Cape, South Africa