Contemplations across the bay
“Contemplations across the bay” is part of a series of paintings inspired by the notion of significance, places, people, and moments that remind me of what is real and important in my life. Surrounded by the sea and the mountains in the western Cape it is not difficult to encounter the beauty of nature, however it is how we respond that makes these moments enduring and transforming. This painting explores not only the visual aspects of looking out across False Bay, but also the sense of peace, quiet and calm I experienced as I took in the vastness of what lay before me, creation in its splendor, with all the possibilities to come of summer days, autumn calm, winter storms, the soft light of spring, promising sunrises, the golden hues of each sunset, endless variety and never ceasing depth,
79 x 63.5 cm
Acrylic on Masonite
This work is available for immediate purchase.
Other works from this series:
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